How it all began?
We started out in 2011 as a ragtag team of English lit majors, gamers, musicians, and free-spirited bloggers working for a local digital marketing company.
As you can imagine, it was a fun but hectic few years before we got our act together, formed our core team and built a professional company of our own.
The story behind our name
After bouncing around town for a couple of years, switching between three locations for our office, each one a bit nicer than the old one, we eventually found the perfect space for our HQ – a big old basement smack bang at the center of town.
It was great – a lot of space, a separate room for breaks and casual conversation, cool in the scorching hot summers, easy to heat up in the winter, even a small gym right across the hall. Well, we liked the place so much that we are still here, although we’ve fixed it up quite a bit.
When it came time for our core team to go its separate way and rebrand, we thought “Hell, this basement is such a big part of our identity and our lives that it’s basically like another member of the team.”
It was within these walls that unique ideas were being bounced around for a couple of years, our little team growing into something bigger and much more substantial, our new HQ acting like a protective pod sheltering these tiny creative seeds. Our roots were planted firmly underground, and from there, we could spread our digital stems all over the world.
The basement was essentially the room where we planted our first hopeful creative pod, and as luck would have it, the Serbian word for “basement” is “podrum” (pronounced pod-room), which made for a great little pun. Being the nerds that we are, it sounded catchy and fun to us, so we stuck with Podroom Creative.
Look at us now
Today, some seven years after first coming together, that renegade spirit and creativity that made us chase our fortune online is still there, only we have put it to good use.
The Team
We have people from all walks of life on our team, from fitness freaks to movie buffs, from gamers to new moms and dads, from tech junkies to hikers and DIY enthusiasts. All that diversity lets us tackle our writing assignments from many interesting angles and offer writing services for a variety of specialized niches. We try to keep our little group happy so that our writers can stay motivated through their hours of research,
and dozens of dad jokes that our senior editor subjects them to during coffee breaks. Most of the time it works out quite well, even when the jokes land flat.
Scroll down to read a bit about all our fantastic team members who work hard every day to get our clients’ projects done in record time
Pavle Dinić
CEO of Podroom Creative Writing
Our chief client manager is a man of simple tastes – he likes his deals transparent and well-defined, and his coffee thick, black, and strong enough to kill a bear. He’s a great guy, after his morning coffee ritual, and one hell of a negotiator. Whatever you need, just give him a shout – he’ll hook you up.
Jovan Ilić
CEO of Podroom Creative Marketing
Nemanja Manojlović
Ever the bookworm, Jelena always seems to find a way to bring new life to a topic she’s writing about, be it home improvement, travel, business, or IT related. She’s also a new mom, so she understands the finesse involved in working under pressure and tackling lots of important tasks in a short time.
Jelena Dinić
Senior Content Writer
Smarter and much more dependable than your average metalhead bassist, Vladimir is a rockstar when it comes to fitness, outdoors, tech, and business content. Fueled by the same tough and resourceful hillside spirit as his brother Aleksandar, he can tackle any task set before him and just keep asking for more.
Vladimir Ilić
Senior Content Writer
Nenad Cvetanovis is a creative writer and blogger at Podroom Creative. He has a Master’s degree in Psychology from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, and is currently involved in the Gestalt Therapy Training Program. Apart from being an avid writer of articles concerning psychology, he enjoys writing about IT and HR related topics as well.
Nenad Cvetanović
Senior Content Writer
An English lit major with a penchant for baking, the martial arts, horror movies and fantasy novels. When Miljana’s not karate-chopping bread dough or walking her dog, you can find her scrunched up at her laptop in some cozy corner, exploring the worlds of business and finance, technology, and health.
Miljana Poznanović
Senior Content Writer
The rules we live by
Always Balance Work and Play
We don’t want anyone to burn out, but we most certainly don’t want to keep clients waiting because someone fell into a food coma and took a 2-hour power nap. Having a good balance is the key to productivity.
Research, Understand, Convey
To get a handle on a new topic, our writers do copious amounts of research to understand the industry and your target audience’s main pain points. They can then convey your brand message loud and clear.
Keep Things Honest and Transparent
When negotiating with clients, we like to shoot straight and be as open as possible about our methods, requirements, and pricing. We make sure that everyone is on the same page before starting a project.
Establish Long-term Relationships
Our clients mean more to us than just a quick payment. Satisfied clients help spread the word about us, and if they stick around with us, the communication and workflow only get more efficient over time
Don’t Bite Off More than You Can Chew
We’ve seen a lot in this business, but we don’t claim to know it all. If a project is outside our area of expertise or the deadline is too tight, we’ll tell you right away. There’s no reason to sacrifice quality or rush things.
Our business motto